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Copyright© 2010- 2023 HG Before During And The Aftermath/HGBDATA All affiliated websites, blogs. vlogs,social media platforms, promotional content, logos, slogon, ribbon colors of blue, red, purple (i.e) are copyrighed by us and in common law tradmark. Please reach out to us for permission . YOU MAY SHARE OUR WEBSITE, VIDEOS, VLOGS,BLOGS ONLINE OR TV.. You may list us as a resource, to add to your list, and for educating purposes. YOU MAY NOT brand it with your own company info
( i.e) if you are unsure what this means please contact us, we would love to collaborate with you. We give permission to share our content on your social media platforms and TV. We ask for you to link to our website to credit the source. DISCLAIMER: HG before during and the aftermath does not intend to dispense medical advice and should not be considered medical advice or counsel. If you have a question about your health or the health of your child please consult your physician. *If you need to speak with an HG Crisis Volunteer, we offer support and understanding. We will help you advocate, for yourself and or your baby. Always speak with your doctor.*
We are not giving medical advice however we will educate you on HG and the aftermath. By helping you learn to advocate for you and your baby/ child . The stories and information here are educational and of personal opinion only and should not be used as a substitute for medical help. The information is to educate yourself . Knowledge is power and the key to fight for your care. Because no one else will.
You can contact us for questions or help with HG and for a personal HG support sister, advocating, and help with explaining to your doctor about HG. We want you to know you are never alone. We are here for mothers with HG and in the aftermath of HG.
☆We work together and support the HER Foundation in everything they do for HG☆
PLEASE NOTE: Most Information on this website is courtesy from the HER Foundation. If you like to help fun education and research for HG, please visit Hyperemesis.òrg and help fundraise to excel their research. All fundraising HGBDATA does is for HER and all proceeds go to the HER FOUNDATION. *in less otherwise stated differently *
*WE GIVE PERMISSION FOR THE MEDIA TO SHARE OUR CONTENT ON THE NEWS,VLOGS, ARTICLES. Would love to help more such as interview with you .